Condition like the golf pros to prevent injury

By Olivia O’ Leary D.C BSc Hons

images-3During the summer months, serious golfers tend to want to use their free time golfing and put less time into exercise. In Ireland the spring is a perfect time for golfers to increase their fitness by improving their strength and flexibility specific to the game in preparation for the busy summer season.

If you’re the average golfer, you probably take about 9,000 swings per year, including range balls.

Even with sound mechanics, natural strength and flexibility, the high number of repetitions is a recipe for injury. Golf injuries commonly cause shoulder pain, elbow pain as well as low back pain and hip pain. In fact, 82 percent of these golf injuries are related to the repetitive nature of the sport itself. With a view to prevention of  low back pain as well as hip and shoulder pain the clinical team at Gorey Family Chiropractic have put together these helpful conditioning tips.


• cardiovascular exercise

• flexibility/mobility exercises

• strength training

3 Exercises To Try
Common areas that golfers need to address include:
• Flexibility
• Lead shoulder rotation in the backswing
• Thoracic (chest) rotation
• Hip mobility

1. Thoracic Rotation
Purpose: to improve shoulder turn for the golfer’s back swing
. Improves upper trunk flexibility reduces shoulder and back strain. Do: 5-10 repetitions holding for 20 seconds

2. Shoulder External Rotation
Purpose: to improve shoulder strength, stability and endurance
 to prevent shoulder pain. Exercise: Rotator cuff strengthener with a resistance band

Do: A light enough resistance to be able to perform 3 sets of 15-25 reps


3. Standing Trunk Rotation with a Resistance Band
Purpose: to improve hip strength and coordination. Secondarily improves low back stability thereby reducing low back pain.

Do: A light enough resistance to be able to perform 3 sets of 15-25 reps


Gorey Family Chiropractic: Supporting your Recovery and Maintaining It

Having an evaluation by a member of the Gorey Family Chiropractic clinical team who has knowledge about the fundamentals of the golf swing, can help you find specific exercises tailored to meet your problem areas and achieve your goals if you are suffering pain or stiffness whilst golfing. Alternatively if the problem requires treatment they can recommend the most appropriate and effective treatment to stimulate your recovery and get you back golfing at optimum.

For your convenience all of our Gorey Family  Chiropractic team are registered with VHI, Glo, Aviva and Laya Healthcare allowing clients claim reimbursement from a wide range of private healthcare Insurance providers. We also provide care under the GAA injury scheme.

Opening hours Mon 8-7, Tues 9-5, Wed 8-7, Thurs 9-5, Frid 8-7

Tel: 053 94 83338   or alternatively email